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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Lord of the Rings : The Fellowship Of The Rings

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Game Name : Lord of the Rings : The Fellowship Of The Rings
System : GameBoy Advance
Date Added : 2004-10-09 15:11:33
Views : 30717

Aragorn: Level up
1. Kill one of the trolls at the last bridge.

Pippin: Level ups
1. Do not steal crops from Farmer Magot; instead, talk to him in his house.
2. Free him from Old Man Willow, then talk to Tom in his house.
3. Deliver the message to Amos Appledore; he is in Bree.
4. Bring the Elfstone to Glorfindel; he is in Rivendale.

Hint: Frodo: Level ups
1. While you are in The Shire, defeat the scarecrow.
2. After you avoid the Black Rider.
3. Deliver message to the dwarves on the last bridge.
4. Bring Arwen her amulet.

Hint: Unlimited items
Drop any item and save the game. Go back to the current game, and where you last left your items, there should be another extra item. Do this as many times as desired to get the best item for all players.

Hint: Willow Willys
When in Hobbiton, you will find some Willow Willys. Keep them -- you will get stuck in the old forest later and have to free Pippin and Merry. You still have to talk To Tom Bombadil, but then will not have to search for the Willow Willys.

Hint: Passing without paying
When someone will not let you pass and asks for Pipe Weed or something else, save the game. Select "Continue" at the menu. When the game resumes, just walk past them.

Unlimited money
At the start of the game, you will hear the riddle of the bog shoes from a man. Near that man him is a Hobbit hole on a hill. Go up two steps to reach it. Inside are three bookcases. Two are on either side of the fireplace and the third is on the other wall. Search the lone bookcase to get a gold coin. Exit the room and reenter. Search the same bookcase to collect the coin again. Repeat this process to get unlimited money.

Unlimited Old Toby Weeds
At the dock where the Ferry is located, you will find an Old Toby Weed on a button. Exit, then reenter. Another Old Toby Weed will be in the same location.

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Lord of the Rings : The Fellowship Of The Rings Cheat Codes at Cheat Patch

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